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In cases of having to deal with a lot of liquids, you could consider the latrine on p23 of the ecological sanitation:

The bottom is made of concrete bricks and in stead of digging holes, you provide the space in the structure above the ground. Main advantage: no collapsing latrines and a latrine that lasts. The structure above this structure can be made of 'soft materials' - e.g. wood + the tins from USAID. You wouldn't be able to use the tins at lower level as urine etc are quite corrosive. If there is somebody who does agriculture, they can dry the excreta and use as a fertiliser + in combination with an agri programme. Donors love this. The additional advantage is that you have less issues of flooding. The main disadvantage is off course costs and the concrete bricks you need (and the transport issue related to it). Another issue that you will have is drainage which will need to be sorted out. It seems odd, but I tended to have more problems with sandy soils for drainage in camps as they tend to clog drain pits etc. In one case, I gave up and had sort off a large, wide pit dug (not deep + fencing!!!! Beware of kids tumbling in!!!) and then pump the water out of it and spraying it outside the camp. You could have solar pumps working during the day and remove the equipment at night to minimise theft.

As for the Somali: as their community leaders + other NGO's. I have no experience with the Somali community apart from the one in London. If they don't co-operate: each their own latrine which tends to be better for maintenance issues. One thing you will need to keep in mind is that you may create jealousy between the old and the new population if you erect fancy latrines.

